Friday, May 06, 2011

The Chuck Wagon Stop

Every Thursdays from 5pm to 9pm, several food trucks come together at Robbins Bros in Fullerton, Ca for Chuck Wagon Stop event to feed their fans. The line up varies from week to week and is usually up in the air until that week. I met up with the SoCal Nom Noms meetup group at this event to try out various food trucks that were there. You can't tell that there were six trucks there in the photo, but there was on directly in front of the food truck (far left). If you live/work in or near the Fullerton area, you'll enjoy visiting this event regularly as there are always different food trucks to try.

This week, the featured food trucks were:

* Bacon Mania
* Short Stop BBQ
* Piaggio
* Chunk-N-Chip Cookies
* The OC Food Truck
* and Chupacabra TacoWagon

Some of the food that were ordered because SoCal Nom Noms members and I were:

Mac'n Bac'n Fries from BaconMania

Moca Choco Latte from Chunk-N-Chip Cookies

Twinker Bell (fried twinkie) from The OC Food Truck

Short Stop Burger from Short Stop BBQ

All of these items tasted very good, although I would prefer CoolHaus over Chunk-N-Chip Cookies.

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